Knee Pain
The knee is a simple hinge joint of a complex structure of ligaments, specialized cartilage - the meniscus, muscles and four bones (femur, tibia, fibula and patella) that must work in coordination. Any change in this harmony leads to forces that compress, torque and degenerate the knee.
Signs or Symptoms:
Range from mild discomfort to inability to bend, locking of the knee or unexpected collapse – to severe pain.
I often compare knee problems to a middle child syndrome. Often taking the blame for problems above or below, by the hip or primarily the ankle. From a history of ankle sprains to prolonged sitting affecting the hips can start to alter the function of the knee joint. Subluxations of the low back affecting the nerves to supporting muscles. Trauma. Altered gait. Tight hamstrings. Excessive weight where 1lb = 4lbs to the knee.
Standard treatment:
Physical therapy, stabilization, medication and surgery.
Applied Kinesiology Approach:
After a detailed history and exam, treatment is individually oriented to the areas affecting the knee. Rebalancing of supportive muscles and proper alignment of involved joints are critical for healing. Without these procedures the area will remain weak and dysfunctional. Orthotic evaluation may be a necessary component of healing a knee issue. Testing is used to determine if there are nutritional imbalances that are limiting your body’s ability to produce natural anti-inflammatory chemicals to effectively speed the recovery. Other lifestyle modifications are used to prevent or minimize exacerbating the condition.